In Praise of those who Thrash About in Sheds
These are the tales of the people who muck about in the shed.
I find these stories everyday in my inbox and they are written by wonderful people just like you and me.
These stories are not perfectly crafted pieces of prose and are usually just brief messages about “What’s Happening Now”.
Often the message isn’t even words at all, … just a “Storyboard” of pictures (and videos) documenting a guy building something in the garage.
Some of the stories are about a personal achievement, or an adventure and some of the stories are quite intimate.
Whether it’s an achievement, an adventure or something deeply personal, all of these stories are a celebration.
To All Men In Sheds, I Salute you!
Paul Aspden
How a family project became Mofast

mofast webpage … Paul’s YT Channel
Keith M.
“I’ve managed one small item off my to-do list for 2023, and although small in itself, it does illustrate that very simple tools and a bit of perseverance can bring a smile to the old face.
I put this gear knob right up there with the biggest jobs I have done in terms of pure satisfaction, and should inspire anyone itching to have a go, however limited their means.”

Ernesto Freitas.
(regarding doing a livestream with 7Spot)
Timing is not correct at the moment, sorry.
To put it in context:
I started the seats business back in 2008 when I was making some prototype cars.
I actually produced a "Seven" model of my own design and construction.
In 2009 the financial crisis hit very hard but I kept the business running. I was making very interesting projects, some kit cars, car trailers and ... some seats for my own use.
When I closed the company (2013), I went to work for other companies in design related stuff but sometimes I got questions about seats.
In 2018 I decided to give it a go again, but this time just doing seats.
I had some ideas to produce them with quality and design in mind, offering fully custom possibilities and original design.
The business started well and in 2020 and when the Pandemic hit I sold as many seats I could produce really.
All people were isolating at home and wanted sim racing seats, kit cars seats, etc... 🙂
Anyway, I was using my two car garage to manufacture and now I am working full time at it.
I'm what you may call a "one man band”, … with some help from my son and wife.
I'm the production manager, designer, courier, office guy, etc, etc!
The problem is that I was starting to build a house with proper workshop space, but due to the pandemic limitations and now, lack of professional companies to build it, the construction is delayed.
So, I would like to do the livestream in the new place in a few months time, if you don't mind.
7Spot Jim … No Worries at all!
When you are ready we will do the Livestream
I also want to let you know that I admire how you have made a go of your business.
The fact that you are creating your fibreglass business out of your garage is honourable, in my humble opinion.

Mike W.
7Spot Jim … will U go Live with us?
Mike W. … “I’d love to do it right, … make it awesome !”
“Andrew Keen is my mate. … love him we talked this week , I’d love to set the build straight ….. in a nice way …. Good footage … good video … good content!”
Coming Soon to 7Spot!
There are about a zillion stories in the 7Spot Shed and these are just a few of them.
If you might have a story that you’re itching to tell, … give me a shout!
7Spot Jim
Jim Gould
7Spot YouTube Channel …
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