Mike's Machining Adventures … (YouTube: Click here to Subscribe l)
For your YouTube dining consumption.
There are about 10,000 “Build your own LOCOST Sports Car” YouTube stories out there but here’s one with a twist.
Feast yourself on this.
Most of the Self Build YouTubes feature a builder welding a chassis from a plan taken from “the Book” (see Ron Champion) or other similar publication.
Mike’s story is a bit different and that’s because … he is!
Instead of doing a Build Story (Diary) from the perspective of “How to do a Scratch Build”, he has decided to take on the challenge of building his own dream from the ashes of “Someone Else’s” Abandoned project.
Episode 1
There are lots of reason’s for this approach and one (needless to say) is financial.
The fact is that there’s savings to be had when you help someone clear an abandoned dream from their shed’s wall of shame.
Having said that, there are challenges too because your mechanical dream inevitably will be different from that of the seller.
In Mike’s case, the seller wanted to build a Rotary powered track car while Mike has plans to build a Crossflow Cruiser. … There are parts to assemble, parts to sell and no matter how you slice and dice, there will be changes.
This build recipe may look a bit like cooking a pot of “Stone Soup 7” because you aren’t building from a set of plans.
It’s like being a Chef, … adding a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
In your mind’s eye you can almost see the finished recipe and you know how it will taste but it’s just a matter of having the right ingredients, precisely measured, making sure not to add too much salt.
By the Way, Mike is no novice to Building and Machining. … He has owned a machining shop, is an accomplished Machinist and has built (and raced) in Formula V.
7Spot is proud to bring you Build Diary Updates and here’s his latest …
Did I mention that it’s a Little Bit of This … and a Little Bit of that?
Both Mike and I are Foodies too!
Thanks Mike!
Delicious but You will Need Google Translate!
Next Up!
Report from Andrew Johnstone (at the track)
… We had planned to have a Live Recorded Report but …
“Been very busy this weekend with a gear box failure on Saturday which meant working late in the night changing it track side… hot weather punished the cars and I was the only track side support today.. so sorry I couldn’t get in touch… here’s a few snippets I could get when I had 5 mins….”
Craig Hutchinson with James Noble “After the After Show” - Coventry MOTOFEST
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Seven of the Week
… Hat tip to Stuart Moore
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… Your Naughty Bits are Showing!
Thank you Anonymous(es)
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What’s In a Car’s Name …