Little cars telling big stories.
One thing about building a “Seveneque Roadster” is that there is literally no blueprint.
Under the skin, there’s skeletal similarities but each finished creation is absolutely unique.
After seeing this little gem on a 7Spot Facebook Group post, I was immediately sent on a trip down memory lane.
Yep, … I was awash with “all British” (and now all faded) memories from a long time ago.
My Degenerate Youth … Full Disclaimer:
No Money, very Few Brains, banged up Old British Rust … and what a Blast!
Ah yes, those were happy times bombing around in my MGA or in my friend’s TR3.

When I recovered from my dream state, I decided I had to know more and reached out to the builder.
He let me know that the build took him 15 years and sent me a bunch of pictures.
We had lots of engaging “conversation” in chat too.
“Hello Jim, I have attached some pictures.
I picked up the steel tube Oct 9 2003, already had built the motor and stripped a1988 Tbird and 72 MGB for parts.
The car is legally a 1972 MGB as I used the original section of the scuttle which had the vin plate on it.
The hood is cut out of the MGB hood and the trunk and surround is straight from the MGB as well, except that it opens in the opposite direction now.”

“The video is a first ever drive from years ago, no body work at all.
… Shaky video… as my little boy filmed it, … he is now 24.”
You’re Just What I Needed!
“… I don't mind you comin' here
And wastin' all my time
'Cause when you're standin' oh so near
I kinda lose my mind, … yeah”